- Contributions
- Eligibility
- Fees and Costs
- General
- Investments
- Onboarding Process
- Program Manager Transition
- Security
- Timing
- Do employers have to facilitate this State program?
Yes, any business with employees in Oregon must facilitate the State’s program for its employees, unless it already offers a qualified, employer-sponsored retirement plan.
- What is a Target Retirement Fund?
A Target Retirement Fund is designed to help manage investment risk and is based on two factors: an investor’s current age and estimated retirement date. This type of fund is comprised of a mix of investments—stocks, bonds, and cash equivalents—that evolve over time to focus on growth for younger investors and to help preserve savings closer to retirement age.
- What if I already offer a qualified retirement plan?
Employers that offer a qualified retirement plan are exempt from facilitating the program. Simply start the registration process by providing your EIN and your Access Code. Then, certify that you offer a plan in the space provided.
- What if an employee already has an existing OregonSaves account?
OregonSaves accounts are designed to be portable and stay with a worker throughout their career. Employers do not need to worry about identifying an existing account for employees already saving with OregonSaves. Simply provide basic information about the employee, and OregonSaves will direct new payroll contributions to the employee’s existing account.
- What if an employee asks me for advice about the program or its investment options?
Employers should refer employees to the program website (OregonSaves.com) or the call center (1-844-661-6777) for questions about OregonSaves or their account. Employees should contact their financial advisors for investment advice.
- When do I need to add new employees?
Employers have 60 days from the date of hire to add a new employee in OregonSaves or accept their election to opt out of the program.
- What do I do if I currently offer OregonSaves to my employees but intend to introduce a qualified retirement plan?
Employers that choose to introduce a qualified retirement plan after enrolling employees in OregonSaves should contact our client services team at 1-844-661-1256 and request to “unregister.” We will begin the manual process of exempting your business out of the program and adjusting your employees’ accounts as needed. It is recommended that you keep your employees informed and let them know that they can still access their OregonSaves account after your business is exempted out of the program.
- Are my employees who live in other states eligible for Oregon’s program?
Yes, if their employment is based in Oregon.
- Are employers responsible for telling employees when contributions will auto escalate?
No, leave that to us. OregonSaves will notify participating employees about auto-escalation prior to any increase.
- Can employers match employee contributions?
No, OregonSaves does not allow employer contributions. As an employer, your role is limited to facilitating the program for your employees.